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The Slender Man (Halloween Daisy Chain)

It stared at her... from outside the 13th floor window. The eyes... the eyes such deep in hate. The red irises unfocused, yet all knowing. The polite smile, making you feel anything but safe. If she had not been petrified in fear, she was positive a Harry Potter™ joke would've been appropriate. Unfortunately, imminent death had a poor sense of humour.

The Slender Man crashed himself head first out the window, surprisingly without a scratch. His arms flapped everywhere as he flew towards her. She began running, but to no avail. The creature was much faster than her and out for blood; her blood (dun dun duuun!). And in her attempts to escape, she tripped. Yeah, she actually tripped; face first in the mud, as undignifying as it is. Losing all hope, she sat there, she stared at the thing and screamed, as if that would help. And to her shock... it did.

She abruptly ceased her screaming. She couldn't help it. This thing was cowering, as if it were a small child shielding itself from the noise of the fireworks. Gathering her courage, she slowly rose from the floor, not taking her eyes from it. Should she run? The Slender Man seemed harmless now.

But she couldn't run. She was paralysed in fear, her limbs locked and frozen.

She calmed herself. Now was not the time for fear. She pulled it to its feet and said, 'Are you gonna kill me, or what?'

Seemingly a bad choice of words. As a whirlwind of distaste was thrown her way as she became numb to reality. She decided enough was enough. With that thought in mind, she turned to face her doom. If she was gonna die, she was gonna take the monster with her. But before she could move, darkness engulfed her... she was inside the monster... it had eaten her... but she was still alive...

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